This week we had a lecture in class about fear in the media. And let me tell you something...

I hate scary movies.
There is nothing fun about being on the edge of your seat
Why would i want to be paranoid about taking baths or babysitting?
There is nothing uplifting about creepy music
Even if you do have a cute boy to hold onto, nothing provides enough comfort to keep you from being terrified out of your mind
Why would I want nightmares gracing my dreams on a nightly basis for a month?
Why would i want to jump 5 feet in the air every time i hear a loud noise or a phone ringing?
In what world would I want goosebumps on my arm for 2 hours straight?
Why would i want to watch a movie where my hands have to be in a close enough proximity to cover my eyes in a split second?
Who wants to watch someone hallucinate or get chased or shot or be followed on a dark trail?
Have i made myself clear?
Maybe i just don't like scary movies because I'm not brave enough to handle them...
but either way, i think i will stick with movie genres that don't leave me feeling disturbed for the next decade.