That was my intro on day one of class.
If I were to give you that intro now however, it would go something like this…
“Hi, my name is Brianna Thornock and my favorite thing to watch on TV is the Cosby Show and Chopped. However, I am currently 100% dedicated and addicted to Once Upon a Time”.
I’d like to give a kind-of-thanks to all my classmates that claimed the above show as their favorite. Now, thanks to you, I am hooked and can ashamedly say that I watched 8 episodes of Once Upon a Time in about 2 days.
Pathetic? Maybe.
Worth it? Totally.
The show is a little cheesy, kind of cheap, and totally strange. BUT I love it. Why is it that the most ridiculous TV show are the most addicting?
*Spoiler alert*
I totally wasn’t expecting Graham’s heart to turn to dust and who would have thought that Rumpelstiltskin used to have a good heart? And what in the world is going got happen to Snow White and her Prince? Ah! So much suspense. It’s going to be a loooong wait till next week’s episode…